Around 47% of U.S. adults have hypertension, aka high blood pressure. About 75% of them do not have it under control. National Blood Pressure Month is a CDC-sponsored educational month designed to inform people about what blood pressure is and how to lower their numbers.
Your mom has high blood pressure. Have you ever stopped to think about what that means? Here are four facts you and your home health care provider need to know about her blood pressure.
Blood Pressure Measures the Force of Blood on the Vessels and Arteries
Blood pressure readings are two numbers: systolic and diastolic. The first, systolic, measures the pressure of flowing blood on the vessel walls during a heartbeat. The second number is the pressure of blood flow between beats.
Pressure is a critical indicator because if the pressure is too high, the blood vessels and arteries could rupture. A ruptured vessel can be life-threatening, so it’s important to prevent this from happening. Monitoring your mom’s blood pressure and taking steps to lower her numbers is important for those reasons.
The Numbers Changed in 2017
The American College of Cardiology changed target blood pressure readings back in 2017. With this change, new target blood pressure guidelines were released.
Normal – Less than 120 or lower/80 or lower
Elevated – 120 to 129/80 or lower
Stage 1 Hypertension – 130 to 139/80 to 89
Stage 2 Hypertension – 140 or higher/90 or higher
Managing her blood pressure is essential for disease prevention. She may be told to change her diet, get more exercise, and take medications. You must encourage her to take these steps.
If she’s struggling to follow her doctor’s instructions or is experiencing other medical setbacks due to hypertension, it’s time to discuss the benefits of home health care.
33% of Adults Don’t Realize They Have High Blood Pressure
A third of adults in the U.S. don’t know they have high blood pressure. The only way to know is by having your blood pressure checked. There are rarely symptoms of high blood pressure. It’s only detected when a medical event occurs or by going for blood pressure checks.
Your mom needs to see her doctor as often as is recommended. She can also purchase a blood pressure monitor to use at home. Her doctor can recommend the best options.
Chronic Health Conditions Can Be Linked to High Blood Pressure
Uncontrolled hypertension can trigger chronic health conditions like chronic kidney disease, heart disease, and stroke. It’s important for your mom to get her blood pressure under control for those reasons.
Arrange Home Health Care Services
Home health care nurses can come to her home and check her blood pressure each day. After taking her pulse and blood pressure, the nurse will consult with her doctor and help her get her numbers under control.
With home health care, she can also have nutrition experts and physical therapists come to her home to help her increase physical activity and make the necessary dietary changes that are critical. Call to learn more.
If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring Home Health Care in Tuskegee, AL, please contact the caring staff at Prime Home Health today. Caring for Our Friends and Neighbors in Tallapoosa, Chambers, Lee, Macon, and Russell Counties! Call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! 334.745.7966