Social Seniors: Many elderly people don’t feel they have a sense of purpose.
Sometimes, they lose their sense of purpose when they quit working. Other elderly people may lose their sense of purpose just because they are getting older. However, having a sense of purpose is very important. It can help people in so many ways. Read here today why your elderly loved one should become one of the social seniors and have a sense of purpose.

Caregiver in Phenix City AL: Sense of Purpose
Better Mental and Emotional Health
If your elderly loved one could use some help in this area, having a sense of purpose can help. Research shows that having a sense of purpose does many things for a person’s mental and emotional health. Some of the things that it can do for your elderly loved one include:
- Reducing depression
- Reducing anxiety and stress
- Improving self-confidence and self-esteem
- Decreasing isolation
If you feel that your elderly loved one needs help with their mental and emotional health, you should talk to them about their sense of purpose. If they feel they don’t have one, you or an elderly care provider can work with them to develop a better sense of purpose.
Better Physical Health
Did you know that having a sense of purpose can even help your elderly loved one with their physical health? Research shows that when elderly people have a sense of purpose, they experience many physical benefits. Some of these benefits include:
- Being more active
- Caring more about their weight
- Taking better care of their physical health
- Getting treatment for any medical problems they have
If your elderly loved one doesn’t have a sense of purpose, maybe you or an elderly care provider can encourage them to find something that includes physical activity. Maybe, your elderly loved one would like to volunteer at a school. This could give them a sense of purpose and increase the amount of physical activity they get.
Better Goals
Your elderly loved one will probably have better goals if they develop a sense of purpose. Some of the ways that a sense of purpose can impact your elderly loved one’s goal setting include:
- Encouraging them to set smart, achievable, and realistic goals
- Having them care more about reaching their goals
Does your elderly loved one need more encouragement with goal setting? If so, talk with them about finding a sense of purpose.
Social Seniors: Conclusion
These are some of the ways that having a sense of purpose can help your elderly loved one. If your elderly loved one has lost their sense of purpose, these are some reasons why you or an elderly care provider should encourage them to find it again.
If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring a Caregiver in Phenix City, AL, please contact the caring staff at Prime Home Health today. Caring for Our Friends and Neighbors in Tallapoosa, Chambers, Lee, Macon, and Russell Counties! Call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! 334.745.7966