It’s really difficult to solve problems when you’re a caregiver. Some of the problems get easier as you gain more experience, but very often you’re left feeling out of your element. Here’s a process you can try.
Make Sure You Have a Handle on the Issue
The very first thing to do when you’re trying to solve something is to make sure you know what you’re solving. It’s possible as a caregiver to think you’re dealing with one issue, but as you get into the possible solutions, realize that you’re dealing with something else. For instance, an anger problem with your senior may turn out to be a health issue. It’s important to know the difference.
Brainstorm Some Possible Solutions
Very few problems have only one solution. What can help at first, especially if you’re not sure what to do, is to brainstorm some possible answers. This gets easier as you do it more often. Try to make a list of at least two different possible solutions. You don’t want to spend a lot of time on this or burn a lot of energy on this but having more than one possible solution is a good idea.
Pick One and Try It
When you’ve got a list and you’re at a brainstorming standstill, it’s time to pick one and try it. As you read through the list, what jumps out at you? Which one sounds like it will actually solve the problem? That’s the one you want to try first. For instance, if your senior has been angry a lot, maybe one of the solutions you try is talking with her doctor. Her doctor may want to run some tests and then you can go from there.
Try Another One
If your first solution doesn’t work, you’ve got at least one more you can try, right? This is where the rest of the list comes in handy. Try something else from your list. What you’re looking for here is the next best possibility. You may also find that you’re adding additional ideas to the list as they occur to you.
Know When to Either Stop or Get an Expert’s Help
At some point, you’re either going to find a solution or still have a problem. That might be when you look for someone who has more experience with the problem to help you out. In the case of caregiving, that help might be from senior care providers. They’ve got a wealth of experience in helping seniors and caregivers deal with a wide range of issues.
The more problems you solve as a caregiver the more you’ll trust yourself to do it right.